FREE has value for 50 Plus!
At Gen Plus, we recently made a bold decision. We are now providing resume posting services for free to our Gen Plus JobSeekers. Even though the fee we were charging was very nominal and helps us offset the heavy programming that goes behind this type of web-focused service, I realized several months ago that there is a major re-education that has to happen for both employers and 50 plus, Boomer, and young senior Jobseekers. Why? Because we have been literally inundated with Jobseekers opening accounts and searching our very targeted job postings, but you have been reluctant to post your resumes. And if you do not post your resumes, you are letting down the employers who are coming to the site specifically to search...for you!
So, in order to ensure that you post your resumes more willingly, and so that you can be more visible (i.e. STAND OUT) to the employers who are actively seeking 50 plussers, we are now offering this resume posting for free. When you go to the Gen Plus login screen and sign up, you will find that once you reach the payment screen, we've given you a code that will give you a 6-month membership. That is the period of time within which we hope to help you find a job. After 6 months, we'll revisit your account, look at activity and determine if you need a free extension.
So, why am I doing this? Because you, the 50 plus Jobseekers really, really need our help and, together, we can change the perception of the job market, one employer at a time. So if you have not yet posted your resume, do so now. Plus, there is a fantastic online interview that was created to help you break through the cyber-door. Our employers are counting on you to use it so that it saves them time on their recruiting efforts. You've all heard the expression...You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Resume posting is now free. I've led you to the water. And I KNOW that you are thirsty. So, please...drink!
And if you are an employer, continue to check back over the next few weeks for an onslaught of online resume postings!
Keep a watch for our next Ask Wendy response to the burning question many of you have been asking in many forms -- how to combat ageism. Coming this week.
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