Cancergiggles hits the press!
Guest Gen Plus columnist, Cass Brown, blogmaster ( par excellence and author of Cancergiggles hits the papers in Royston ( is in Royston in the UK.)Cass has touched over 260,000 visitors to his blog with his honest, funny, touching and brilliant writing. For the full article, click on the link.
If you are 50 and older, you will relate to Cass' physical struggle with Cancer (with a big "C") while keeping his humor and spirits high -- determined to live life to the fullest each day. A wonderful read and a must for the medical community (doctors, nurses, hospice workers, therapists) and anyone living with and managing terminal illness.
To purchase his book (limited edition and he's working on the next one, so get it while still available) visit our Shop page at Gen Plus. We're thrilled to distribute what we believe will soon be a bestseller internationally (especially when Oprah hears about it!) If you are from other parts of the world or would like a signed copy, visit the Cancergiggles site to purchase directly.
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