What is so amazing to me is how subversive the blogging world really is. This is a new world where relationships are built and shaped through blogs and comments. People are unafraid to state their true feelings and thoughts and even more interestlingly, that many more people are eager to read about them. I'm no couch potato blogger. I work full time, am also a fulltime mom, and run a business...full time. So when I blog, I do it with gusto, with determination, and also at a bit of a disadvantage. The true traffic generator, as I'm starting to understand it, is via linking. ( are saying to me...we knew that in 2002... where have you been?) Finding other similar hearted, like-minded individuals who will willingly link to your site. (Yeah....duh again!) But the challenge for me and my kind (almost or past 50) is that there are not a whole lot of us out here. (Aha! Now you understand me.)
Lots of single moms blogging away...but most of you are well under forty. Lots of business entrepreneurs...but most of you are well under forty. Lots of active bloggers...but most of you....well, you get the picture.
Now, don't misunderstand me. I've met a few of you who are emphatically over fifty and proud to be so. But for the boomers and beyond, blog is an utter mystery. And so, I blog with heart. I surf ferociously, searching for the 50 and beyonds who have discovered this crazy little world, where 8 million strangers can join hands and build lifelong anonymous relationships while changing the way the world communicates in reality cyberspace.
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