Gen Plus in the news!
Oct. 5, 2005
For Immediate Release
Wanted: Older Faces!
The Experience of a Lifetime
The Experience of a Lifetime

“It’s like a dating site for jobs,” says “Gen Plus™ spokesperson Corinne Copnick, “but you have to be over 50 to get in. And it’s a win-win situation. Gen Plus™ helps the mature jobseeker get one foot through the recruiter’s cyber-door and, at the same time, takes away some of the guesswork and valuable time spent by recruiters on initial calls to candidates. They can gain an instinctive ‘feel’ for the candidate.”
And recruiters will need the help. By 2010, the last of 78 million Baby Boomers will have turned 50, and the US and Canada anticipate a management drought unprecedented in recent history as hordes of Boomers retire. “Many companies hope to save money by filling the management ‘holes’ with younger workers who simply can’t bring the same experience to the table,” adds Copnick.
“But here’s the Catch-22. There is a disconnect between the expectation and the reality. While many Boomers are retiring willingly, an equally large segment of the 50 plus demographic still needs to work, but they are being pushed out (forced early retirements or squeeze-outs disguised as lay-offs) of their current jobs due to high salaries. Unfortunately, they face unspoken ageism or wages too low for their needs when seeking a new job or career.”
The Gen Plus™ national job search is aimed at reinventing the 50 plus marketplace in the minds of employers. Gen Plus offers both free and paid memberships. Jobseekers can scout job postings for free. For a small charge, they can post their resumés to the Resumé Bank. They can upload resumés or use the interactive resumé builder. Similarly, Human Resource professionals, recruiters and potential employers can mine the Resumé Bank for free. For a small charge, they can also post job openings.
50 plus jobseekers are invited to visit now. Interested human resource professionals can follow the employer link. And displaced Katrina or Rita jobseekers over 50 or employers looking to hire them can post their resumes or job listings for a free 90-day membership by using code: GP-KR90.
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