New on Gen Plus -- "Wendy's Place"...welcome.
One of the things that is awesome about being over 50 is that you have an accumulated bank of memories. That is one of the PLUSSES of being 50 Plus. Even if you are flat broke, you are rich with memories. So together, we can create a memory bank.
Welcome to this very special post, a category dedicated to you, the reader. If you are a 50 plusser, I'll bet you've considered penning your memoirs, at least once. But boy. What a lot of work. What are your memories? Happy, sad, inspiring, inspired, filled with love, promise, successes, humor, even loss.
Remember Alice's Restaurant in the 60's? This space, Wendy's Place, is your 2nd millenium spot for sharing your memories. Think of this as your online cafe. Come on in. Sit down for a quick cuppa or a long latte.

No charge, no tax, no calories. Just go to the comments link below. Give a click and type away. Whether you want to add one memory or a hundred, your remeniscences are welcome here.
Oh yeah...and you can have a cup of tea, or any other beverage if you prefer.

The food got to me. One of my fondest memories is of coming home from school to the smell of baking sugar cookies. My mom would have one batch baking in the oven and have a second batch ready to go, except for sugaring the cookies...which was my job. To this day, the smell of orange zest stirs up the wonderful feeling of walking through my front door, into the warmth of my home and the arms of my incredible mother.
Where do I begin, there are SO many memories! I manage a department in a major medical center, many of whom are young folks (early 20's). Last week, as one was telling me how much she loved The Doors, I shared a memory: when I was around 10, my favorite uncle (a pilot, I lived for his visits and loved him dearly) brought me a new transistor radio. It was 3" square, just fit in the palm of my hand. He always brought me gifts, most of which were 'new technology' or something my parents wouldn't have approved of. ;) When times got tough (couldn't stand my mother pestering me, or I had a rough day being the shy girl at school), I'd grab my new treasure, climb into the attic of our home and put that radio up to my ear . . . and listen to "C'mon Baby Light My Fire" and other very cool 60's songs. It was a great escape. The Doors were my favorite at the time, a way I could escape from being the oldest child in a strict traditional farm family. Oh, how I lived through my uncle (and Jim Morrison!). There were other groups, as well, but they were my favorite. Now, when I hear my two sons (23 and 20) listening to 'hey-mom-listen-to-this-new-group' and it's one I first heard out of that 3x3, I grin with nostalgia.
Omigosh Cindy! I'm just laughing. What a great memory. Keep 'em coming! You get an extra latte for that one.
Before McDonald's, before "playdates", there were coffee clatches. What I remember is my mother getting together, often, with a group of other neighborhood moms.
They joined forces, enjoying a pot of Maxwell House percolated, cooled with evaporated milk and sweetened with sugar cubes, while we played in the garden, in front of the house or in the empty lot down the street.
This was a time when it was safe to take my bike around the block, by myself, at 5 years old. When my neighbors would keep watch of us children in the streets, when "hobos" would ring the doorbell and my mom would already have a sack lunch to give him.
My mom would have us bathed, fed and ready for bed by the time my dad got home from work. My mom, exhausted, but with dinner on the table and looking like a million bucks.
You are correct about the importance of not forgetting those special memories. There is a new cottage industry that is taking the country by storm. It is called custom video biographies. Like the Biography Channel except for regular people and their parents and grandparents. I own a company (Inventive Productions) in Seattle that specializes in creating custom video biographies for people. It is awesome to see how people open up and describe their life and then offer up their wisdom and advice to their heirs. A lot of times our parents or grandparents are humble or reluctant to tell their story. But when asked to do it by their heirs, they realize that people really do care about their story, and then they open up and tell it like it was. It is incredible to hear the stories.
I'm not yet a 50 plusser, but I do have a funny memory. I remember my mom's first computer. An IBM PS2 with 40 M of memory. That was huge at the time. We had a dot matrix printer that took up half the desk and we had a video game in color! One game.
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