What reinventing is all about
Every morning and every evening I take my sweet rescue dog for a walk. I use the word "sweet" next to "rescue" with purpose. Off leash, my dog is a wonder of charm, wit and grace. On leash, she is a valiant protector, ready to lunge at a bird, squirrel, cat, or human being wearing a funny hat. So, it is a delight whenever we bump into a dog person who immediately bonds with my dog, rubbing her head, her ears, and if she really likes them, her tummy.
There is a man like that who lives a couple of blocks away from me. Always in his garage, playing music, puttering around. He and his wife love dogs....but he...he LIVES for dogs. And so, when my dog and I stop at his house, he and my pet play, bond and wiggle together for many minutes. That is how his wife and I have got to talking...as dog and man bond, the two gals chat. About the dog and the man.
Shirley shares with me that Ron suffered a massive heart attack several years ago and was forced into early retirement. He couldn't afford to retire, either financially or emotionally, and he didn't have a plan, either.
But he LOVED collecting old vinyl records. His hobby has now evolved into a homegrown business over the past few years. Operating out of his garage, he collects, trades and shows records. He heads out to various trade shows across the country and has become well-known for his collections. His hobby has given him love-based revenue.
There are so many 50 plussers that are discouraged. If you are one of them, you'll likely have applied to jobs, posted resumes, attempted to network, tried to start businesses and it may just not be working.
I started Gen Plus and this blog as a direct result of a close friend and business colleague being ousted from a prominent corporate sales position with no job prospects in sight. He went back to school to become a teacher...and that is what he does now. Teaches. He reinvented himself completely. Just like my neighbor, and just like many of you are being forced into.
What I love about Ron's story is that he followed his heart -- which was about his love of record collecting -- which jump-started a business venture. When I encourage you (relentlessly) to post your resumes on Gen Plus and on other job boards and to apply to thousands of jobs if necessary, it isn't because you will necessarily find a job that way at 50 plus. But when you open your mind to possibilities and to opportunity, when your eyes are watching, your ears are listening and your heart is open, then you might find your own bit of vinyl to spin into a direction for your future.
How a man who suffered a major heart attack can live each day with such a passion and a zest for life is inspiring. His passion for living is so obvious -- brimming over to his patting of my dog. His love of life pushed him to reinvent himself.
What passions do I dream of? What do you dream of? What would reinvention look like, or mean, to me? I'm working on it - for me it my passion for Gen Plus and the 50 plus demographic. What about your reinvention? Certainly worth a thought or two.
Love the post and what a lucky man, to have his beloved pets and collect vinyl, one of the most fascianting and fullfilling hobbies that there is...but I will confess to being a bit biased :)
Glad you like the post! There is nothing as wonderful as a little bias. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your voice (and your site!)
Hi Wendy! For me, reinventing is realizing you have the freedom to own your life – and then using that freedom to make changes to gain more control, balance, and sense of well being.
You dog ever wear a cone?
You might enjoy http://dogswithcones.com
Walter, I agree with you. Freedom to own your own life. It certainly isn't an easy pursuit, but when you take ownership of your own life, you also let go of fear.
And goinglikesixty, indeed, my dog has had to wear a cone in the past and I felt so bad at the time. I feel so bad now for the poor little critters in the pictures. Like your blog, by the way.
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