Welcome to the Gen Plus Blog

It's a backstage pass to info on jobs and life at 50+. Gen Plus, headed by Janet Wendy Spiegel, is dedicated to baby boomers and the plus generation of age 50 and older. Read up and speak out on issues affecting your future: jobs, income, life and respect.

About Me

My photo
Northridge, California, United States
Successful businesswoman, consultant, entrepreneur. I operate two businesses -- social media consulting, AND premium pet care services in the West San Fernando Valley. Love what I do, love life.

Gen Plus has relocated to www.GenPlusUSA.com

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye 2007 and Hello 2008

I always find myself conflicted at the end of a year -- nostalgic for the time that has passed and optimistic about the year ahead. This year is no different. So, to avoid nostalgia completely, I thought I'd go a bit off track for the end of 2007 and share some of my exciting resolutions for 2008.

Resolution #1:
Eat a lot of chocolate.

Resolution #2:
Find creative ways to burn off more calories throughout the day in order to eat more chocolate (for e.g., I sit on a yoga ball while at the computer, which makes me believe that I'm burning calories, while strengthening my core, and ergo, an extra 350 calories per day to indulge. Frankly, I think I'm only burning 5 extra calories for all the balancing, but what's 345 calories difference anyway?)

Resolution #3:
Eat chocolate in smaller amounts to allow for a higher frequency of consumption.

Resolution #4:
Make many more friends who love chocolate so we can indulge in our guilty pleasures guilt-free.

Resolution #5:
What the heck...just eat chocolate.

Hope you all have a great New Year ahead and thanks for sticking with me over the past few years. Your comments, emails and encouragement are what keep me focused on publicizing the challenges facing Boomers and 50 Plussers.

Off to eat some English chocolate now. Ta.

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